START HERE: The Wealth Letters Manifesto
Discovering "enoughness" (the state of being enough) in a noisy world.
Feel free to listen to me reading this to you by clicking the play button above!
Welcome to The Wealth Letters, a crowdsourced anthology from people of all walks of life on how to discover “enoughness” (the state of being enough) in a noisy world.
This is the Manifesto of The Wealth Letters. The vision. The goal of this project.
I’m Jordan, the creator/curator of this project. I am a father, husband, Christian, and window washer.
Yup, I clean windows for a living, which is why I am not the expert you should be listening to on finding enoughness (the state or condition of being enough; sufficiency; adequacy; contentment).
But that’s the beauty of it…I don’t have to be the expert (and you don’t need to be either).
But, in case you would like to read the letter written to his daughters from a father, husband, Christian, and window washer who lives in the North Tundra of Minnesota on how to find enoughness, a great place to do that is by reading or listening to The Wealthy Window Washer.
Enough about me, what do YOU GET?
As readers of The Wealth Letters, we (you) get to look over the shoulders of people from all walks of life on how they found enoughness, true abundance, wisdom, & meaning in their lives.
The Wealth Letters will utilize “The Wisdom of Crowds” to crowdsource the universal recipes for how to discover enoughness.
This theory is based on Surowiecki’s book The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations.
The Harvard Business Review distills Surowiecki’s findings down to:
“Asking many people for their opinions and suggestions, and then combining them to form the best overall decision. Evidence suggests that the combination of multiple, independent judgments is often more accurate than even an expert’s individual judgment.” - Minson & DeWees
So then, who is the “crowd” going to be?
This collection will include the insights from the well-knowns, the high earners, high-esteemed Titans of success.
But, it will also include the lesser-knowns, the unknowns, the every day people quietly building or have built a life of enoughness…of rest…of Sabbath...of self-adequacy…of contentment…of joy.
The purpose is to document universal keys to discovering a life of enoughness that we can emulate; that we can take pieces of and apply to our own unique lives to create our own enoughness (spiritual, physical, emotional, social, mental-emotional).
Although the collection may not be written directly to us in their original form, I challenge readers & listeners (you) to be vulnerable and open to ideas and suggestions that have proven worthwhile in another’s journey of finding enoughness.
Do not blindly accept any and all advice given, but rather take in the information and distill it down to if & how it can be applied to you and your unique self.
“Michael Jordan said that he imitated Dr. J. Kobe Bryant studied and imitated Jordan. But, they mixed in their own uniqueness.” - David Senra (Founders Podcast)
Who is this for?
This project was originally started for my two baby girls to be able to read before they leave our household as a guide/companion for how to find who God created them to be…for how to discover their own enoughness.
But, our original design was to trust the story that God’s creation is good, that we are His crowning achievement of creation, that we are enough in His eyes, and that all are welcome at the table.1 So, this project is not just for my daughters…it is for you because you are welcome at His table!
My aim is that this anthology can be dissected, fact-checked, emulated, and applied to our lives to find our own enoughness. I think that upon reading the collection, you will realize that we are called to rest…we are called to trust the story that we are enough.2
And as a bonus for me, this project will be a testament as to why my wife wonders why I spend so much time in my "office" (she wonders if I have a serious going problem and that I should go get checked out).
My best thinking is done in this office of mine, but I do need to be more aware that I probably have spent a little too much time in my office when my legs go numb.
Alas, onward with the project! A good place to start would be reading a few of the more popular letters:
You can access all letters of the collection from people of all walks of life in the archive.
Thank You for Your Support!
In order for this Anthology to reach more people, I need your help.
Would you consider:
Sharing with a friend who might benefit from it?
Sharing your own Wealth Letter and being featured in the collection?
If that sounds interesting to you, here is a link to write your letter for the anthology.
If you would like to voice record your wealth letter, you can do that easily by clicking here (your voice recording will then be sent to me directly).
Your ideas and feedback are always welcome!
Please reach out via email: or drop a comment below!
I look forward to hearing from you,
From the BEMA Discipleship podcast.
From the BEMA Discipleship podcast.
Great idea for a substack. Sharing with friends