#008 - The Wealthy Poker Player & Farmer
Tyler, a #1 dad and husband, poker player, farmer, fitness enthusiast, and personal coach provides his insights on what TRUE WEALTH means to him.
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Welcome to the 8th edition of The Wealth Letters, a collection of insights from all walks of life on the pursuit of wealth, wisdom, and meaning.
If you haven’t done so, please read or listen to the manifesto before diving in to the collection, as it will give a clear vision of the project; the Who, What, and Why.
Video credit: @tyromper on Twitter
This is a special Wealth Letter in that the author, Tyler, created a video providing us with insight of his journey, and ultimately what TRUE WEALTH means to him.
Tyler created this video specially for The Wealth Letters community, so I am so thankful for his willingness to be vulnerable and share his story with us! Tyler is a #1 dad & husband, poker player, farmer, fitness enthusiast, and personal life coach.
Tyler has written three books: Maximizing Fatherhood, How I Made $1.7 Million Playing Poker, and 9-5 Fitness. To view his books and coaching opportunities, visit his website: https://tylertodt.crd.co/
Tyler also shares insights daily with his Twitter audience at @tyromper
I challenge you to listen to this insight as if it is being spoken to you personally.
Be willing to be vulnerable and open your mind to ideas and suggestions that have proven worthwhile in another’s journey. Do not blindly accept any and all advice given, but rather take in the information and distill it down to if & how it can be applied to YOU and your unique self.
Michael Jordan said that he imitated Dr. J.
Kobe Bryant said he studied and imitated Jordan.
But, they mixed in their own uniqueness.
While not everything will relate directly to one’s current situation at the exact moment, there may be some gems that will be worthwhile in time.
View Tyler’s personal video on what true wealth means to him below:
Objectives / Overview:
What are the two components of true wealth?
How does money play into true wealth?
After 4 years straight of gratitude journaling, what did Tyler realize?
The TLDL (Too long, didn’t listen):
Tyler gives us his backstory of making 7-figures in his twenties playing poker, and how everything changed for him overnight due to a change in the laws of online poker.
Tyler’s income stream from poker dried up overnight, yet his lifestyle at that time was one that needed the continued income. He needed to make a change either in how he made money, or what his lifestyle would be.
True wealth goes beyond just money. Money is a fantastic tool to buy time. Time is what money cannot buy.
My Takeaways from Tyler:
I love how Tyler talked about looking wealthy vs. BEING wealthy. There is a huge difference there.
Tyler has two components that make up true wealth for him:
Freedom of time
Health and time are things that money cannot buy directly. But, Tyler agrees that money is a fantastic tool that can be used to buy more freedom to focus on the things in life that matter most.
Tyler asked himself the question, “What does a perfect day or a perfect week look like to me?” This was the impetus for him understanding that “stuff” really didn’t matter in that equation…it was time.
Tyler challenges us to keep a daily gratitude journal. He has done it everyday for 4 years straight, and I found it enlightening how Tyler looked back over his entries, and found that NONE of the entries had “stuff” in them. It was all about his wife, his kids, and his experiences.
What are your takeaways? Feel free to comment below, or reply to this email. I would love to hear your thoughts!
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I always appreciate any feedback, ideas for letters, or just to chat!
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I look forward to hearing from you!
Tyler, thank you so much for sharing your story. I know it will provide so much value and wisdom to many!
"Time is what money cannot buy." love this. So true.